
The Benefits of Wheatgrass

People are beginning to realize the importance of eating healthier and the positive benefits that are derived from a healthy diet. The benefits are many and studies have shown that individuals who eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals suffer less health problems and can even live longer lives.

People are beginning to realize the importance of eating healthier and the positive benefits that are derived from a healthy diet. The benefits are many and studies have shown that individuals who eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals suffer less health problems and can even live longer lives.

One of the very latest health trends is healthy drinks and ranking very high in that category is wheatgrass. The name itself may not sound very appealing but there's no denying that the benefits of wheatgrass are hard to ignore.

Probably the most heralded benefits of wheatgrass it is believed to be a cancer fighting agent. Many people strongly believe that the benefits of wheatgrass on cancer are real and that consuming wheatgrass can help in the treatment and even in the prevention of cancer. Cancer, along with heart disease are our biggest killers so anything that aids in preventing them is seen as a positive.

Another benefit of consuming wheatgrass is that it lowers blood pressure. There are many medications regularly prescribed to individuals who have high blood pressure. Many medications can have unpleasant side effects and one of the benefits of wheatgrass is that there are no side effects because of the fact that wheatgrass is completely natural. This is a great alternative for those individuals that suffer from high blood pressure.

We dress is also very effective in helping an individual's digestive system and can be seen as an effective and flushing toxins from the system.

A definite negative of wheatgrass is the taste. Truth be told, it really doesn't taste good at all. Many people don't find the taste of wheatgrass appealing and even though it's consumed in small doses, it can be a struggle to take it. But you can get around this by adding wheatgrass to another, more pleasant tasting drink to make it more appealing. There are several nutritional drink companies that offer wheatgrass as an ingredient in a smoothie. The benefits of wheatgrass in this form are that the taste is disguised and you have a much easier time ingesting it. Another thing to keep in mind is the one you drink wheatgrass you do it in small doses.

There are some cosmetic benefits of wheatgrass. It is also believed that wheatgrass actually retards or slows the graying of hair. And of course with our youth crazed culture this is definitely a desirable that.

It can also be seen as an effective fighter of tooth decay. Your teeth are the focal point of your smile and when they sparkle and shine you are presenting your best self to the world.

The benefits of wheatgrass are many and really the only negative does it taste, but that's not the worst thing in the world as it? Although it should never be seen as a substitute for a balanced diet, the benefits of wheatgrass consumption can go a long way in offering you greater health.

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding the world of health and beauty. You can get interesting and informative information here at Benefits of Wheatgrass [http://www.brightbeautytips.com/beauty-tips/beauty-tips/the-benefits-of-wheatgrass.html]




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尿蛋白 檢查究因不可少

我不久前去醫院檢查身體,才知道自己有輕微的尿蛋白,請問怎樣治療才會好?是吃西藥?或是中藥?(陳先生) 答:檢查蛋白尿的方法很多,不知道你選的是哪一種,因此不易回答,僅能就一般性原則來回答。 最簡單、也最常見的蛋白尿檢測方式是試紙檢查,就可從試紙顏色變化得知有無蛋白尿,若「+」的標記越多,則越有問題,一旦到了「+++」,甚至到了「++++」,就不只生理性蛋白尿而已,很可能已到了病理性蛋白尿的地步,應就醫接受更進一步的檢查及治療。 我們人體每天都會從腎臟排出一些蛋白,如果一天排出量小於0.3公克,都算在正常值以內,可以接受;如果超過0.3 公克,就要小心,不妨進一步檢查。但有時候吃太好,或肉類吃太多,也會讓尿蛋白增加,因此最好先排除這些因素。 蛋白尿的定量檢查之外,若能再配合抽血檢查血中尿素氮、肌酸肝及尿酸的數值,更能確認腎臟是否出問題。 只不過,一旦檢出尿素氮、肌酸肝或尿酸異常時,腎臟病通常都已進展到中後期,不易治療。因此,建議民眾最好養成每天檢視尿液的習慣,也就是尿完尿後,在馬桶前站上1分鐘,仔細觀察尿液泡泡的變化。 如果這些浮在水面上的泡泡逐漸消失,就意味腎臟功能正常。如果1分鐘後,泡泡仍不動,還是看不到泡泡下的水面,就代表腎臟可能已出問題,一定要盡速就醫檢查及治療 汽機車回收 .

花東金針花盛開 賞美景嘗美食尚對時

每年8、9月是花東地區金針花季,花蓮縣玉里赤科山、富里六十石山及台東縣太麻里高山金針盛開綻放,把翠綠的山坡染成一片金黃,猶如黃金地毯,美不勝收,今年農委會農糧署輔導花東金針花農、農會開發金針料理,菜色多元豐富、營養健康,讓遊客賞花之餘也能享受農村美食,此時到花東賞金針嘗美食「尚對時」。 農糧署東區分署表示,國內金針種植面積約641公頃,年產量約417公噸,九成的面積及產量均集中在花東兩縣。今年產季前氣候合宜,金針植株生育良好,花蕊陸續抽枝綻放,估計8月中旬之後盛開。 今年農委會輔導農民結合民宿與旅遊業者,首度推出白天賞花、夜間觀星及生態旅遊解說行程,整套內容豐富、知性的農遊體驗,農糧署東區分署指出,金針富含蛋白質、醣類、維生素A、B1、B2、菸鹼酸、鈣、磷及鐵等成分,經研究具安神好眠等優點,古有「忘憂草」美譽。 東區分署指出,新鮮金針口感佳,一般多以拌炒或裹粉酥炸方式調理,如金針炒肉絲、炸金針花等;經過乾燥加工後的金針香氣風味截然不同,適合燉煮,如金針香菇雞湯、金針排骨湯等,除了傳統料理,花東業者也開發出金針酥、金針香腸、金針月餅及金針茶包等食品,提供消費者更多元化的食用選擇。 東區分署表示,經農糧署及地方縣市政府合作輔導,結合產業農民成立台灣金針協會,積極改善農民加工觀念及製程,消費者選購金針時,只要認明貼有產銷履歷、台灣金針標章及台灣農產品生產追溯」條碼的產品,保證食用安全。 相關閱讀 2017新竹吃到飽火鍋燒烤美食餐廳評價與推薦總整理,哪家吃到飽餐廳CP值比較高呢?哪家吃到飽餐廳最便宜呢?這裡精選20家新竹吃到飽餐廳推薦給大家(2017.08更新) 2017新竹宵夜價位營業時間及評價總整理,新竹哪家宵夜最好吃?那家宵夜營業最晚?這裡精選20家新竹消夜小吃推薦給大家(2017.08更新) 2017新竹素食餐廳評價與推薦總整理,哪家素食餐廳CP值比較高呢?那家素食餐廳最有特色呢?這裡精選10家新竹素食餐廳推薦給大家(2017.08更新) 2017新竹日本料理美食餐廳評價與推薦總整理,哪家日本料理餐廳CP值比較高呢?哪家日本料理餐廳最便宜呢?那家日式料理最有特色呢?這裡精選20家新竹日本料理餐廳推薦給大家(2017.08更新) 2017新竹燒烤美食餐廳評價與推薦總整理,哪家燒肉餐廳可以吃到飽?哪家燒烤餐廳CP值比較高呢?哪家燒烤餐廳最